Environmental Surveys
Scoping Your Survey
We can help you to develop and scope the environmental surveys that are required to accompany your environmental permit or planning application to either the Environment Agency or Local Planning Authority. In many cases therefore you will want to ensure that any survey conducted will be acceptable to the regulator, otherwise you will be wasting your money.
Because most of our surveys and any monitoring we do will always be developed with a purpose in mind. i.e. to discharge a planning condition on a planning application or to help you comply with an environmental permit condition. We always discuss the scope beforehand.
Things to consider before completing any environmental surveys
- First of all what am I hoping to achieve
- Why am I completing this survey
- Is it really necessary
- Have I been asked to do this by a regulator or due to the planning authority?
- Above all, could I provide the evidence/data by any other means?
- Is this the right time to do this, are weather conditions favourable?
- Am I probably getting the right company to do this
- Is there accreditation available?
- Can I convince the regulators to postpone this survey until a later date
- Will this survey definitely close out my planning condition or environmental permit requirement as a result?
- Finally, will I incur excess cost
Types of Environmental Surveys
We can arrange for surveys which will consequently provide the data required for your permit application or planning application to be successful. Listed below are just some of the surveys that we undertake, if you require another survey then just call us and we’ll talk you through how best to develop it and implement it. We are multi-disciplinary environmental consultancy and can help with all types of surveys.
Frequently Requested Surveys
- Phase1 Desktop Surveys
- Phase 2 Contaminated Land Surveys
- Waste Water Monitoring
- Surface Water Monitoring
- Dust Surveys
- Air Monitoring and Modelling
- Noise Surveys
- Traffic Movements
- Ecology Surveys
- Habitats Regulations
- BAT Assessments
Paul is very knowledgeable in the Environmental field, and was a great asset in the time he was employed to work at the Alton Brewery.