Bespoke Environmental Permit

Paul Downing

If you cannot comply with the conditions in a standard rules permit, then you need to apply for a bespoke environmental permit. Bespoke permits attract much higher Environment Agency fees. This is because the Environment Agency deem them much more risky to the Environment. They also require additional paperwork and surveys to be submitted over a standard rules permit application.

Bespoke Permit Conditions

Standard rules permits have geographical conditions in them. That is you can’t be closer than 10m to a watercourse or 50m to a protected woodland etc. Because Bespoke permits are written around your business and process, geographical conditions do not tend to be listed. However along with all other environmental permits a bespoke permit will have many conditions related to volume, tonnage, types of waste, noise, dust, odour and many other factors.

You may find that your bespoke permit is unique to your process or it may be similar to other businesses in your industry. In order to get this tailored type of permit you will pay for the privelige. Bespoke permit tend to cost approximately double that of an equivalent standard rules permit. So it is important to ensure that there really isn’t a standard rules permit out there that fits your business type and location.

Bespoke Environmental Permit Application Process

Bespoke permits are advertised to other businesses and the public. If you are likely to impact fishing clubs, bird watching sites or are working in a competitive industry, expect to have comments and objections from neighbours and other interested parties. Because of the advertising period and the requirement for additional surveys and application documents, we are advising clients to allow at least a year for a bespoke permit application to be determined. It some complicated instances it may be significantly more. If you are a small business applying for a bespoke permit may be prohibitive. However if no corresponding standard rules permit exists you may have no choice.

Supporting Surveys For A Successful Application

You will need to submit several surveys and drawings to support your application, these may be tailored to your location or your business process. Trying to understand what is required requires experience of the application process. A list of the more common surveys is found below. You may not need all of them but they are listed in order of commonality.

  • Environmental Management System
  • H1 Risk Assessment
  • Site Condition Report
  • Fire Prevention Plan
  • Dust Management Plan
  • Odour Management Plan
  • Habitats Survey
  • Pest Control Plan
  • Noise Management Plan
  • Energy Survey
  • Groundwater Risk Assessment
  • Drainage Plan
  • Topological Survey
  • Traffic Survey

If you are struggling with your bespoke permit application to the EA. Call us for more information on 07790147084.

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