Water Permits
Paul Downing
Water permits or discharge consents are needed if you discharge effluent to water. This may be surface water or groundwater.
Water permits are issued by the Environment Agency and require several supporting documents and surveys. If the application is to be successful you will need to provide, flow rates, discharge levels, chemical analysis and receiving watercourse flows.
Water Permits
These may also include permits to discharge to a foul sewer which is managed by your local water company. They are also know as trade effluent licences or consents. These are slightly easier to apply for than those from the Environment Agency. However, unless you can connect to the foul sewer these may not be your best option.
What ever type of discharge you are planning to make to the environment, the chances are that you need some form or permit or licence.
Paul Downing & Associates have years of experience in helping businesses large and small. We can help you with you permit application and make sure it includes the correct information.
Whether you are a housebuilder looking for options for your next development, or if you are a large industrial facility. The chances are that you may need help to apply for a new permit or vary an old consent.
Call us today for more information.