Scrap Yard Permit

Paul Downing

You will need a scrap yard permit if you wish to take in and recycle metal.

The sort of permit you need will depend on how you plan to treat the metal. Where your site is located and how big your operation is.

The Environment Agency issue the permits for these activities. If you operate without one then you are operating illegally.

Applying for an environmental permit is a lengthy and time consuming process. You will need to prove that you can operate safely. Demonstrate that your operation is not noisy. You will have to put in place pollution prevention measures to protect the environment.

Once you have an environmental permit or scrap yard permit. The site will be visited regularly by the Environment Agency. You will have to comply with the conditions of the permit. You will also need to keep all waste transfer notes and paperwork. These will provide an audit waste for the waste. A waste return must be provided to the Environment Agency every three months. This will need to show the amount of waste coming onto your site as well as the amount going off site each quarter.

We have helped many recycling businesses get started. Call us today for more information.

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