Permit To Treat Waste

Paul Downing

A permit to treat waste is required if you act as a “waste transfer station”.

In order to import waste to your site, then treat it such as baling, shredding, compacting or even manual sorting. You will need to apply for an operators permit from the Environment Agency.

The type pf permit you require will depend on what waste you are planning on importing to your site. It will also depend on what you plan to do to the waste once it is in your yard.

Permit To Treat Waste For Recycling

The Environment Agency have many different standard rules permits for differing waste types and treatments. If you cannot find a standard rules permit that meets your requirements. Or if you cannot meet the conditions in it, you may need a bespoke permit.

The environmental permit is tied to the piece of land. There are conditions on what you can and can’t do to protect the immediate environment.

An operation such as depolluting vehicles therefore will be seen as higher risk that someone importing soil and stones.

Paul Downing & Associates Ltd have spent years helping clients start up new waste recycling facilities and also helping them apply for permits and licences.

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