Car Breakers Licence.
Paul Downing
If you plan to depollute or dismantle end of life vehicles (ELV’s) then you will need a car breakers licence. This is also known as an ELV permit. You will then become an ATF (authorised treatment facility).
In order to become legal it will be necessary to apply for the ELV permit from the Environment Agency. This process is not straight forward. Please click the link above. In addition you will also need to register on a competent operators course. (WAMITAB) and ensure that you have the correct planning permissions in place.
Fire prevention and planning is therefore vitally important in the waste management industry. Especially so when it comes to recycling vehicles. When producing a fire prevention plan the EA guidance must be followed. This must accompany your car breakers licence application.
The EA will ask lots of questions about your site’s suitability. Drainage, CCTV, security, size of piles, tyres, storage bays, hardstanding etc.
The EA will issue a permit once they are satisfied you can comply with the guidance. This may take between 4-8 months.
Paul Downing & Associates has helped many small (and large) operators apply for vary and surrender a car breakers licence. If you need more information therefore on the process or if would like to speak to someone about how you go about starting up a vehicle depollution ATF, then call us today to speak to one of our consultants. tel – 01428 768 087.