Upturn for Construction and Environmental Surveys?

Paul Downing

According to the latest Markit/CIPS UK Construction Purchasing Managers Index, confidence in the construction sector is running at a high since 2007 after an expansion in both placed orders and workload in housing and civil engineering.

Construction firms are also confident about the year-ahead with around 46% of those responding expecting a rise in activity and only 10% a reduction. The index jumped to 59.1 in August, up from 57.0 in July and above the neutral 50.0 value for the fourth consecutive month. Construction buyers saw workloads in August rise at its fastest pace since September 2007.

Housing remained the strongest performing sector, with output rising at the fastest pace since June 2010. But there was also a steep rise civil engineering activity to its strongest level since September 2007.

This is all good news for those who rely on the construction sector to drive the need for environmental construction surveys, phase 1 desktop surveys and related ecology work. Whether there will be a return to the heady days of the 1980’s remains to be seen.

If you require environmental surveys, ecology reports or other environmental related activity to help with planning conditions, please do not hesitate to contact us direct for further advice and guidance.

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