Scrap Metal Permit
Paul Downing
Scrap Metal Permit
You may want to apply to import treat and sort waste. The scrap metal permit required can either be a standard rules environmental permit or a bespoke environmental permit. A standard rules permit has pre-set conditions. A bespoke environmental permit will allow you to specify waste tonnages and metal types in it. The charges for a bespoke scrap metal permit will be much higher than that of a standard rules permit.
Many waste transfer stations focus on specific metal types, ferrous or non-ferrous, agricultural machinery or end of life vehicles (ELV’s). In addition the type of treatment applied to the scrap metals may be hand sorting, size reduction or shredding. Each activity and treatment type must be registered with the Environment Agency in the form of a scrap metal permit.
Supporting Surveys
In order to apply for an environmental permit you must provide supporting surveys such as noise and vibration surveys, dust management plans, contaminated land reports. You also need to supply waste acceptance procedures and fire prevention plans to the Environment Agency in order to make a duly made permit. The Environment Agency will then take several month to determine your permit. The environmental context is important i.e. what is acceptable at one location is not necessarily acceptable at another for the same operation due to the proximity of SSSI’s and nature reserves and special protection areas etc.