Fire Prevention Plans
Paul Downing
Many new environmental permits require approved “Fire Prevention Plans” before the permit can be issued. The EA are in the process of updating the guidance for Fire Prevention Plans. The whole process has been rather controversial. Many trade bodies and lobby groups saying that the EA is imposing additional burdens on industry. The current guidance can be found here “Fire Prevention Plan Guidance“.
In essence the EA require that you demonstrate that you have adequate infrastructure to store waste in a manner likely to minimise the risk of fires starting. In addition you will need to show that you also have access to enough fire water for the volumes of waste that you will be storing. This along with space requirements is problematical for some smaller operators of waste sites. There is a required separation distances on 6m between waste piles and the permimeter. There is also a requirement for a quarrantine area in the middle of the site.
Calculation of fire water retention within the site for the volumes of water required & to prevent run-off and pollution of neighbouring sites is complex. The guidance is not easy to comply with.
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