Environmental Waste Permit

Paul Downing

We can help you apply for an environmental waste permit from the Environment Agency if you are a business in the waste management sector. We have helped waste transfer stations, aggregates sites, hazardous waste transfer stations, grab hire companies and ELV ATF’s apply for, vary or surrender an environmental waste permit.

The “operator” of a site is issued an environmental permit. This allows them to operate a certain type of business. Planning applications allow a type of use for a piece of land. The two are quite distinct.

To obtain an environmental waste permit you will need to demonstrate that you are competent in understanding waste management legislation. You will need to know what codes and other legislation governs this type of business. You obtain this qualification or WAMITAB certification from a independent training provider. Once obtained you will need to spend a certain amount of time actually on site. You cannot be qualified then sit in an office miles away.

Environmental Waste Permit

You will be asked for a lot of information about your business during the application. This may extend to conducting dust, noise, vibration, odour and ecological surveys. You will need to produce a FPP therefore and have access to plenty of fire water and have adequate detection and fire suppression.

The EA will audit you regularly. Fines and penalties for non-compliance therefore can be high. Worse still would be the issue of a prohibition notice requiring that you stop operations.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you with your environmental permit application to the Environment Agency. Call on 07790147084.

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01428 768 087

