EA FPP Update January 2021

Paul Downing

The EA FPP update earlier this year has included several changes. The Environment Agency (EA) have made these changes to make compliance requirements clearer for operators.

The Fire Prevention Plan (FPP) guidance originally published in 2016 requires all permit application to have a pre-approved FPP.

The FPP guidance applies to combustible waste types. The plan must therefore meet the FPP guidance and be approved before the issue of an environmental permit.

The new guidance includes several new sections and makes some new changes to existing elements.

  • For end of life vehicles (ELV’s) there is now a requirement for 1800L of water per vehicle.
  • 450 cubic metres of ELV’s can be stored if baled or crushed
  • Fire hydrants should be within 100m of the site
  • Hydrants should have a minimum flow and conform to BS 750 or equivalent
  • The ground water risk from your site must be risk assessed
  • The risk of persistent organic pollutants coming onto site from your waste streams must be risk assessed

The new EA FPP update does make compliance clearer is some areas, for instance, water supplies for ELV’s. It also however, clarifies some other elements in the old guidance.

Above all, If you need help with an environmental permit that requires a fire prevention plan, call us for more information.

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