Cat B Licence

Paul Downing

If you wish to buy Cat B vehicles for example from CoParts or other auction house. You will need to apply for an ELV permit. This permit or “Cat B Licence” as some operators call it will allow you to buy write offs. You can then depollute them and sell the parts.

The Cat B Licence or end of life vehicles (ELV) permit, is an environmental permit. The Environment Agency in the UK issues these permits.

The permit is tied to a specific site. You must have a unit or yard before you can apply.

The EA have recently introduced a small scale ELV permit for smaller breakers to apply for. This is a much simplified permit. However, it still requires compliance to the fire prevention plan (FPP) guidance for waste operators.

The small scale ELV permit allows for up to 750 tonnes per annum – approx 1000 cars. There are also other permits with volumes of 2500 tpa and 25,000 tpa. There are also lots of other criteria to consider before you apply for an ELV permit and become a registered Authorised Treatment Facility (ATF).

If you are considering applying for and ELV permit contact us at Paul Downing & Associates. We have helped many small scale ATF operators get started. The administration process is long. It is similar to a planning application and will take several months. You may therefore need to install infrastructure to comply with the fire prevention guidance.

Please note before you call

  • You will need a unit or yard to be able to apply
  • It will take 5-10 months to get the permit. The EA will ask lots of questions.
  • Total costs (EA fees, our fees & WAMITAB fees) for the smallest permit (750 tonnes per year) are in the region of £10k for everything. Larger volume permits are more.

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