Energy Audits for Business?

Paul Downing

Article 8 of the European Union Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU), requires all Member States to introduce a regime of regular energy audits for large enterprises (this means non-SMEs), to promote the uptake of cost-effective energy efficiency measures. These energy audits must be undertaken by December 2015, and then every four years thereafter.

The proposed scheme would apply to all large enterprises in the UK, primarily businesses but also charities and any other UK organisations outside the public sector, if large enough.

DECC are currently undertaking consultation in order to seek the UK’s views to meeting this requirement through implementing a new Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS). The Government’s ambition is to develop a proportionate and better regulation approach, which yields real energy efficiency rewards.

I am not sure if regulation is the way to go with regards to implementing energy saving initiatives as most organisations will be looking at costs in any case and to impose another layer of environmental/energy legislation on business seems counter productive. You can visit the website for more information (search for ESOS).

Should you be considering initial energy audits for your business or want to know how to implement a system to consider energy management within your organisation, please contact us direct to discuss an energy management gap analysis audit.

Click here for an ISO 50001 audit checklist.


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